getting around
As we are located in the countryside, car rentals are highly recommended. That being said, there is direct train service to Arezzo and Florence (with connections to other destinations) from nearby Ponticino, located 3km (2 miles) down the road. We can also recommend a reliable travel company for airport transfers, dining transportation and guided or unguided sightseeing and wine tasting excursions. Driving directions are provided below for our guests' most freqently traveled routes. If you need directions other than those found here, please contact us by email or telephone and we'll be happy to assist.
Arriving from the north or South, take Arezzo Exit.
Proceed through toll to roundabout, taking second exit on roundabout onto Raccordo Arezzo-Battifolle.
Continue on Raccordo Autostradale 4.2 km.
Turn right onto exit ramp for “Ponte a Chiani” and follow for .3 km, keeping to the main road, which bears right, until you reach a stop sign.
Proceed straight through intersection (be sure to yield to oncoming traffic) and follow for 2.9 km, continuing straight through a roundabout and a stoplight at Indicatore.
Continue on SS 69 for 6.8 km, taking the third exit at the next roundabout and passing through Pieve a Maiano, passing under A-1 Autostrada and into Ponticino.
Go straight through roundabout (second exit) and proceed .3 km to top of hill. Turn left and continue uphill, bearing to the left after .8 km. After another .2 km the road becomes unpaved. Continue another 2 km, passing a small house immediately to the right of the road, and turn right at iron gates into Barbazzano driveway. The driveway is also bordered by two boulders painted white.
Follow signs from Airport to Rome/Autostrada (A91).
After approximately 11.5 km take the exit toward SS1/Via Aurelia.
After 1.4 km merge onto A90. After 26.4 km take the exit toward SS4/Salaria/Rieti/Roma/Via di Settebagni/E35/A1/Roma Nord/Firenze.
Bear left at the fork, follow signs for Napoli/L'Aquila/Teramo/Pescara/A1.
After 1.6 km take exit 10 to merge onto A1dir/E35 toward E45/A1/Firenze. Continue on A1 173 km to Arezzo exit.
Follow SS 69 toward Arezzo and drive through the town of Ponticino (approx. 20 minutes).
Bear right at the roundabout (1st exit) and proceed .3 km to top of hill.
Turn left and continue uphill, bearing to the left after .8 km.
After another .2 km the road becomes unpaved. Continue another 2 km, passing a small house immediately to the right of the road, and turn right at iron gates into Barbazzano driveway. The driveway is also bordered by two boulders painted white.
(Driving Time: 10 minutes)
Turn left out of driveway and proceed 3 km to stop sign.
Turn right and proceed .3 km to roundabout.
Turn left at roundabout and onto Via Nazionale/SR69.
After 600 meters turn right onto Via Ferrovia
Continue on Via Ferrovia and bear right immediately after passing through tunnel.
Free parking is available in front of the train station. If the ticket booth is not open, take the underpass to the central tracks for trains to Arezzo and Florence. There should be a monitor and train schedule in the ticket office which lists track departure information.
(Driving Time: 25 Minutes)
Exit train station parking lot and Turn left at traffic light
Proceed straight and follow city wall to roundabout.
Turn left at roundabout (third exit) onto Via Baldaccio d’Anghiari.
Proceed straight through next roundabout onto Via dei Carabinieri.
Bear left at second traffic light onto Raccordo Arezzo-Battifolle.
After approximately 3.5 km take exit to Ponte a Chiani.
Take second exit off roundabout and proceed 0.2 km to intersection.
Bear right at intersection and proceed 3.3 km into Indicatore, passing straight through a roundabout.
Continue on SR69 for 7 km into Ponticino, taking the third exit at the next roundabout and passing through Pieve a Maiano.
Take second exit at the next roundabout (towards Montarfoni) and proceed uphill for .3 km to intersection.
Turn left and continue uphill bearing left at the fork (approximately 0.8 km).
After another 0.2 km the road becomes unpaved. Continue another 2 km, continuing past a small house immediately to the right of the road and turn right at iron gates into Barbazzano driveway (approximately 0.5 km past the house on the road).
(Driving Time: 25 Minutes to the parking lot in the center of town)
Turn left out of driveway and proceed 3 km to stop sign.
Turn right and proceed .3 km to roundabout.
Drive straight through roundabout and onto Via Nazionale/SR69.
After 6.5 km on SR69 take first exit at roundabout and continue to Indicatore (another .4 kilometer)
Stay on SR69 and proceed 3.3 km into Ponte a Chiani, driving straight through another roundabout.
Bear right at stop sign and proceed on main road bearing left under overpass and merging onto Raccordo Arezzo-Battifolle.
After 4 km bear right at traffic light, passing under overpass.
Continue to bear right at next traffic light onto Via dei Carabinieri.
Turn right at roundabout (first exit) onto Via Baldaccio d’Anghiari and get in left lane.
Proceed 50 meters under underpass and turn left.
Follow this road through one traffic light and get into middle lane at next traffic light.
Turn left onto Via Vittorio Veneto and get in right lane.
Continue on Via Vittorio Veneto and turn right at next traffic light onto Viale Michelangelo.
After .4 km bear left at fork onto Via XXV Aprile (immediately after passing the bank on your left).
Continue on Via XXV Aprile, which takes a broad left turn.
Drive straight through roundabout and bear left into parking lot “Parcheggio Eden.”
To enter the parking lot take a ticket from the machine and do not leave it in your car.
(Driving Time: 25 Minutes)
Before leaving you must pay for your parking. There is a self-serve kiosk at either end of the lot.
Exit parking lot and take first right at roundabout.
Continue to bear right at next intersection onto Viale Michelangelo.
Proceed straight, passing train station and following city wall to next roundabout.
Turn left at roundabout (third exit) onto Via Baldaccio d’Anghiari.
Proceed straight through next roundabout onto Via dei Carabinieri.
Bear left at second traffic light onto Raccordo Arezzo-Battifolle.
After approximately 3.5 km take exit to Ponte a Chiani.
Take second exit off roundabout and proceed .2 km to intersection.
Turn right at intersection and proceed on SR69 3.3 km into Indicatore, passing straight through a roundabout.
Continue on SR69 for 7 km into Ponticino, taking the third exit at the next roundabout and passing through Pieve a Maiano.
Take second exit at roundabout (towards Montarfoni) and proceed uphill for .3 km.
Turn left and proceed 3 km uphill to Barbazzano.
(Driving Time: Approx. 1 hour 15 minutes)
Turn left out of driveway and proceed 3 km to stop sign.
Turn right and proceed .3 km to roundabout.
Drive straight through roundabout and onto Via Nazionale/SR69.
After 6.5 km on SR69 take first exit at roundabout and continue to Indicatore (another .4 kilometer).
Stay on SR69 and proceed 3.3 km into Ponte a Chiani, driving straight through another roundabout.
Bear right at stop sign. After a few hundred meters the main road bears left past a street and towards an underpass. Turn right onto the entrance ramp just before the underpass onto Raccordo Arezzo-Battifolle.
Proceed on Raccordo Arezzo-Battifolle for 4.2 km to roundabout. Take second exit through roundabout to toll booths, bearing right as you exit toll booth onto A-1 Autostrada heading to Florence.
Take Firenze Sud exit and merge onto SP 127, proceeding 3.8 km to traffic light.
Turn left onto SS67 and proceed approximately 2.8 km, passing straight through a roundabout, on the road that parallels the Arno river (signs for Centro/Viali di Circonvallazoine/Guardia di Finanza/Vigili del Fuoco/Polizia/Strada).
Turn right at the large intersection onto Viale Giovanni Amendola (also SS67). This is the main ring road that follows the old city wall. After approximately 1.3 km the road bears right.
Keep to the left as you enter Piazzale Donatello following the road as it winds left around the Paizzale. Take the second exit out of the piazzale and turn right to return to the main ring road. Continue on the road and look for signs to the train station Stazione Firenze SMN. There is a large parking lot underneath the train station.